Episode 13: Waste & Recycling with Jonathan Levy / Go2Zero Strategies


Listen to this episode from Green & Grind on Spotify. Today I chat with the Zero Waste Guy, Jonathan Levy about waste and recycling!!⁠Main Topics:⁠-State of the Recycling Infrastructure ⁠-Issue with the Zero Waste Movement⁠-Composting⁠-Career Tips!⁠⁠Jonathan has a popular blog and instagram account where he talks about low waste living.

Today I chat with the Zero Waste Guy, Jonathan Levy about waste and recycling!!⁠

Main Topics:⁠
-State of the Recycling Infrastructure ⁠
-Issue with the Zero Waste Movement⁠
-Career Tips!⁠

Jonathan has a popular blog and instagram account where he talks about low waste living. We’ll discuss the current state of the recycling industry, what is being done to reduce waste, and tips on how you can reduce waste at home. Jonathan is very knowledgeable on the subject so this is a great episode! Stay tuned until the end of some career tips.⁠

You can reach out to Jonathan on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zerowasteguy/⁠

You can check out his website: https://zerowasteguy.com⁠


Episode 14: Sustainable Fashion with Kelly Burton / Material Exchange


Episode 12: Highlights from Episodes 1-11 of Best Career and Entrepreneurship